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Organizational innovation is essential for firms to enhance existing products and services and to innovate in response to emerging market demand. Given the critical role of business analytics (BA) in organizational innovation, this study investigates antecedents of BA use and its impact on firm performance in the context of work teams. Among the various aspects of BA use, this study focuses on paradoxical BA use that consists of ambidextrous BA use and integrative BA use. Investigating the antecedents of paradoxical system use, we analyze the emergent states of work teams, comprising cognitive (team proactivity), motivational (team empowerment), and emotional (positive affective tone) dimensions. The study aims to contribute to the BA literature by offering a detailed understanding of how BA systems are used to promote organizational innovation. The study adopts a paradox perspective to BA use and recognizes the significant role of emergent team states in shaping BA use behavior.
Recommended Citation
Im, Ghiyoung; Cho, Sunyoung; and Chung, Claris, "Team Emergent States and Paradoxical Business Analytics Use" (2024). ICIS 2024 Proceedings. 1.
Team Emergent States and Paradoxical Business Analytics Use
Organizational innovation is essential for firms to enhance existing products and services and to innovate in response to emerging market demand. Given the critical role of business analytics (BA) in organizational innovation, this study investigates antecedents of BA use and its impact on firm performance in the context of work teams. Among the various aspects of BA use, this study focuses on paradoxical BA use that consists of ambidextrous BA use and integrative BA use. Investigating the antecedents of paradoxical system use, we analyze the emergent states of work teams, comprising cognitive (team proactivity), motivational (team empowerment), and emotional (positive affective tone) dimensions. The study aims to contribute to the BA literature by offering a detailed understanding of how BA systems are used to promote organizational innovation. The study adopts a paradox perspective to BA use and recognizes the significant role of emergent team states in shaping BA use behavior.
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