Sharing Economy, Platforms, and Crowds

Topics related to the sharing economy, platforms, and crowds are not only among the most widely researched areas within the field of information systems, but also bear deep economic and societal implications. This track invites cutting-edge research that addresses issues relating to these topics.

The sharing economy has disrupted conventional socio-economic activities by allowing individuals to exchange underutilized assets or resources for monetary gains at very low transactional costs. Under this broad umbrella, sharing can stem from user-owned assets, as exemplified on Airbnb, Didi, Grab, and Uber, or take place through the renting of company-owned resources, as epitomized on Bird, CitiBike, Lime, and Zipcar.

Fueling the explosion of the sharing economy are multi-sided platforms which, by connecting various actors throughout the world for little marginal cost, facilitate interactions and transactions in a seamless fashion across a variety of contexts: dating, entertainment, education, finance, hospitality, housing, product reviews, and transportation, to name a few. These multi-sided platforms have revolutionized industries, for better and for worse, with both promising and disappointing socio-economic impacts being documented.

Likewise, many of these emerging business models would not have been possible without the growing societal transition into distributed modes of innovation and production, e.g., in the context of mobile apps, that leverage the capability of digital platforms and technological infrastructures to orchestrate the coordination of distributed and heterogeneous individuals and organizations toward achieving a wide range of socio-economic objectives.

Track Co-Chairs
Anandasivam Gopal, Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University
Robert W. Gregory, Ph.D., University of Miami
Thomas Kude, Ph.D., University of Bamberg
Jui Ramaprasad, Ph.D., University of Maryland

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Monday, December 11th
12:00 AM

Airbnb and Noise in New York City: An Empirical Investigation of Home-sharing and Noise-related Externalities

Shagun Tripathi, IESE Business School

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All that Glitters is not Gold: Understanding the Impacts of Platform Recommendation Algorithm Changes on Complementors in the Sharing Economy

Jack Tong, Nanyang Technological University
Xiaowei Zhang, Tsinghua University
Xueming Luo, Temple University
Zhijie Lin, Tsinghua University
Jing Li, Nanjing University

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Does Narrative Impact Funding? Analyzing the Relationship Between Project Description and Pledged Amounts for Reward-based Crowdfunding Projects

Shaolin Pu, University of Kansas
Karthik Srinivasan, University of Kansas
Ben Sherwood, University of Kansas
Arvind Tripathi, University of Kansas

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Dynamic Pricing on Two-Sided Platforms: Consequences on Customers’ Fairness Perceptions and Purchase Intentions

Andreas Röder, Ulm University
Eva Bohnen, Ulm University
Kilian Züllig, Ulm University
Alexander Kupfer, University of Innsbruck
Steffen Zimmermann, Ulm University

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Effect of a monetary incentive on responders’ empathy in online mental health platforms

Junjie Zhou, Shantou University
Rajiv Kishore, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Michael Lee, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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Eyes on the Prize: Increasing the Prize May Not Benefit the Contest Organizer in Multiple Online Contests

Sharon Rabinovitch, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Ella Segev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lior Fink, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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Female-exclusive Support and Gender Gap on Digital Platforms

Yu Xia, The University of Hong Kong
Hailiang Chen, The University of Hong Kong

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From Feelings to Funding: The Moderating Role of Category Membership in Crowdfunding Participation

David Lohmar, University of Münster
Thomas Schaeper, University of Muenster
Stephan Nüesch, University of Muenster

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Moral Hazard and Transparency in Peer-to-Peer Auto Insurance with Telematics

Yuxin Zhang, Wayne State University
yalei du, Baixingkefu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Yuanyuan Zhang, Baixingkefu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Quan Zhang, Michigan State University

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Online Labor Platforms and the Role of Job Security and Compensation (Mis)Fits for Gig Workers

Martin Adam, Technical University of Darmstadt
Martin Wiener, TU Dresden
Alexander Benlian, Technical University of Darmstadt

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Problem Specification in Crowdsourcing Contests: A Natural Experiment

Kai Ye, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Tat Koon Koh, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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Revolutionizing Crowdworking Campaigns: Conquering Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard with the Help of Smart Contracts

Anna Lena Hupe, University of Kassel
Ulrich Bretschneider, University of Kassel

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Show Me The Money, Sooner! How Faster Payments Boost Gig Workers' Efforts and Productivity

Shiyi Wang, Nanyang Technological University
Jack Tong, Nanyang Technological University
Nan Jia, University of Southern California

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12:00 AM

Spillover in Sharing Economies: Network Effect of Bike-sharing Services on Home-sharing Performance

Muchen Wen, Xian Jiaotong University
Liu Junming, City University of Hong Kong
Juhee Kwon, City University of Hong Kong
Kyung Sung Jung, University of Denver
Young Kwark, University of Denver

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The Competition Effect of Decentralized Platforms: An Analytical Model

Stefan Napirata, Ulm University
Johannes Sedlmeir, University of Luxembourg
Alexander Rieger, University of Luxembourg
Gilbert Fridgen, University of Luxembourg
Steffen Zimmermann, Ulm University

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The Impact of Bike-Sharing Services on Local Business

Mingi Song, Korea university
Gunwoong Lee, Korea University Business School
Keongtae Kim, Chinese Univ of Hong Kong

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The Impact of Green Disclosure Nudging in Online Reuse Markets: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Yunqi Liao, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xiaoxiao Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xiang Gong, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Zhenxin Xiao, Xi'an Jiaotong University

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The Rise of Recommerce: Ownership and Sustainability with Overlapping Generations

Rubing Li, New York University
Arun Sundararajan, New York University

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The Role of Media Synchronicity Fit and Sense of Community in Live Streaming Platforms

Yuqian Liu, Baruch College, City University of New York
Chaoqun Deng, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY)

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Under Pressure? - The Effect of Conversational Agents on Task Pressure and Social Relatedness in Digital Labor

Sascha Lichtenberg, Technisch Universität Dresden
Fabian Hildebrandt, Technische Universität Dresden
Milad Mirbabaie, Paderborn University

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What is fair enough? Reconciling complementors’ needs for fairness management on digital platforms

Yawen Vivian Zhou, University of New South Wales
Carmen LEONG, University of New South Wales
Zixiu Guo, UNSW

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When Reward Meets Donation: A Paradoxical Dilemma

Yipu Deng, University of Hong Kong
Jinyang Zheng, Purdue University
Guoxin Li, Harbin Institute of Technology
Karthik Kannan, University of Arizona

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