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Interorganizational data sharing (IODS) grows increasingly complex in the context of business ecosystems. As the literature on IODS finds that organizations only share data if they perceive benefits from it, this study explores value appropriation strategies (VAS) through an ongoing inductive case study of the German orthopedic ecosystem, exploiting interview and secondary data from executives of various treatment facilities and a leading manufacturer of health products. Our preliminary grounded theorizing indicates that VAS for IODS involve four elements (partner selection, data tailoring, reciprocal design, and control enforcement) that each are realized by specific VAS activities. Further, we find that, different from other contexts, ensuring VAS for IODS is not about controlling the value creation process but is grounded in upstream strategic decisions. This understanding of VAS for IODS indicates that having strategies for value appropriation in place before diving into IODS is crucial for succeeding in data ecosystems.
Recommended Citation
Nienstedt, Jonas and Trenz, Manuel, "Value Appropriation Strategies for Interorganizational Data Sharing – a Case Study" (2023). ICIS 2023 Proceedings. 4.
Value Appropriation Strategies for Interorganizational Data Sharing – a Case Study
Interorganizational data sharing (IODS) grows increasingly complex in the context of business ecosystems. As the literature on IODS finds that organizations only share data if they perceive benefits from it, this study explores value appropriation strategies (VAS) through an ongoing inductive case study of the German orthopedic ecosystem, exploiting interview and secondary data from executives of various treatment facilities and a leading manufacturer of health products. Our preliminary grounded theorizing indicates that VAS for IODS involve four elements (partner selection, data tailoring, reciprocal design, and control enforcement) that each are realized by specific VAS activities. Further, we find that, different from other contexts, ensuring VAS for IODS is not about controlling the value creation process but is grounded in upstream strategic decisions. This understanding of VAS for IODS indicates that having strategies for value appropriation in place before diving into IODS is crucial for succeeding in data ecosystems.
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