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A user-generated review that is perceived as helpful is valuable for both customer and the retailer, and that is why online markets such as Amazon.com collect public opinion on reviews that are perceived more helpful. Review platforms allow customers to vote for reviews they deem helpful. While prior literature has examined what drives the helpfulness of reviews, many of these studies have looked at drivers of perceived helpfulness of reviews in isolation. Using the lens of dual process theory, this research examines how consumers evaluate the helpfulness of a review. We propose a framework and provide empirical evidence for the evaluation of the review helpfulness process. We find that extreme reviews have a higher effect on review helpfulness compared to moderate reviews, and this effect is mediated by the depth and sentiment of the review content.




Dec 12th, 12:00 AM

How is the review helpfulness evaluated?

A user-generated review that is perceived as helpful is valuable for both customer and the retailer, and that is why online markets such as Amazon.com collect public opinion on reviews that are perceived more helpful. Review platforms allow customers to vote for reviews they deem helpful. While prior literature has examined what drives the helpfulness of reviews, many of these studies have looked at drivers of perceived helpfulness of reviews in isolation. Using the lens of dual process theory, this research examines how consumers evaluate the helpfulness of a review. We propose a framework and provide empirical evidence for the evaluation of the review helpfulness process. We find that extreme reviews have a higher effect on review helpfulness compared to moderate reviews, and this effect is mediated by the depth and sentiment of the review content.

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