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Design Kitchen is a typical, small business about to secure a major deal with a prospective customer. The crux of this deal: Design Kitchen’s ability to work as a reliable subcontractor. Business continuity (BC) teaching cases usually describe a disruption that requires reaction. This teaching case elucidates the importance of BC for making business. It provides a rich description of Design Kitchen receiving an audit, and posits the task of creating a BC plan based on this audit’s findings. Completing this case, students will learn how to analyze and identify BC risks; how to craft a BC plan; and about the complications stirring when top management is not engaged in BC. While fictional, the case description presents a composite narrative based on empirical studies of several companies’ BC risks. Besides teaching BC, lecturers can use the case text for courses of information security management or business process modeling.




Dec 12th, 12:00 AM

The Importance of Business Continuity for Making Business: The Case of Design Kitchen

Design Kitchen is a typical, small business about to secure a major deal with a prospective customer. The crux of this deal: Design Kitchen’s ability to work as a reliable subcontractor. Business continuity (BC) teaching cases usually describe a disruption that requires reaction. This teaching case elucidates the importance of BC for making business. It provides a rich description of Design Kitchen receiving an audit, and posits the task of creating a BC plan based on this audit’s findings. Completing this case, students will learn how to analyze and identify BC risks; how to craft a BC plan; and about the complications stirring when top management is not engaged in BC. While fictional, the case description presents a composite narrative based on empirical studies of several companies’ BC risks. Besides teaching BC, lecturers can use the case text for courses of information security management or business process modeling.

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