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The information systems (IS) discipline has long been critically questioning its identity to determine its central research avenues, its distinction from other disciplines, and the future directions for the field. Although this question is central to all stakeholders of the IS field, so far the debates have been conducted primarily in research papers, editorial commentaries, and opinion pieces published by influential IS scholars. Our study explores how the broader IS community engages in the discourse about IS identity by examining podcasts as an increasingly popular means of communicating IS viewpoints. We apply a podcast ethnography to study the IS podcast universe, consisting of 51 shows with 660 episodes. Our preliminary findings offer insights about the stakeholders, podcast topics, and intellectual core of the audio tracks that shed light on the role of podcasts in constructing and reflecting on IS identity.
Recommended Citation
Anton, Eduard; Oesterreich, Thuy Duong; Schuir, Julian; and Teuteberg, Frank, "A New Way to Reflect the IS Identity? Uncovering the Intellectual Core of Podcasts" (2022). ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 4.
A New Way to Reflect the IS Identity? Uncovering the Intellectual Core of Podcasts
The information systems (IS) discipline has long been critically questioning its identity to determine its central research avenues, its distinction from other disciplines, and the future directions for the field. Although this question is central to all stakeholders of the IS field, so far the debates have been conducted primarily in research papers, editorial commentaries, and opinion pieces published by influential IS scholars. Our study explores how the broader IS community engages in the discourse about IS identity by examining podcasts as an increasingly popular means of communicating IS viewpoints. We apply a podcast ethnography to study the IS podcast universe, consisting of 51 shows with 660 episodes. Our preliminary findings offer insights about the stakeholders, podcast topics, and intellectual core of the audio tracks that shed light on the role of podcasts in constructing and reflecting on IS identity.
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