Conference Theme Track A: IS for Sustainability
Increasing Contributions to Sustainable Projects through Digital Nudges Amplifying Social Comparison
Paper Number
Paper Type
The prevention of climate change requires behaviour change of individuals within organizations. Green IS research suggests to use live information and feedback to promote such change. Furthermore, IS research has found digital nudging to be an effective tool for changing human behaviour. In this paper, we therefore evaluate the effectiveness of digital nudges based on social comparison regarding environmental contributions. The results can be used for the implementation of sustainable practices in organizations. We find that facilitating social comparison through digital nudges in regards to sustainable contributions yields major benefits. Such nudges increase the likelihood of engagement of individuals with the sustainability objective. The extent of the corresponding contribution is driven by the importance of sustainability to the individual. The results provide insights on the potential of digital nudges to increase contributions for sustainable projects in organizations.
Recommended Citation
Staudt, Philipp; Greif-Winzrieth, Anke; and Nieken, Petra, "Increasing Contributions to Sustainable Projects through Digital Nudges Amplifying Social Comparison" (2021). ICIS 2021 Proceedings. 12.
Increasing Contributions to Sustainable Projects through Digital Nudges Amplifying Social Comparison
The prevention of climate change requires behaviour change of individuals within organizations. Green IS research suggests to use live information and feedback to promote such change. Furthermore, IS research has found digital nudging to be an effective tool for changing human behaviour. In this paper, we therefore evaluate the effectiveness of digital nudges based on social comparison regarding environmental contributions. The results can be used for the implementation of sustainable practices in organizations. We find that facilitating social comparison through digital nudges in regards to sustainable contributions yields major benefits. Such nudges increase the likelihood of engagement of individuals with the sustainability objective. The extent of the corresponding contribution is driven by the importance of sustainability to the individual. The results provide insights on the potential of digital nudges to increase contributions for sustainable projects in organizations.
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