Conference Theme Track B: IS for Resilience
Paper Number
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Emergency warning apps are critical to alert the population during emergencies, but are countries using them effectively? There is little theoretical understanding of what it means to use warning apps effectively. As a result, there is also little knowledge about how to design them. Drawing on the Theory of Effective Use (TEU) (Burton-Jones and Grange, 2013), this research proposes three principles to design emergency apps: 1) Designing for timeliness; 2) Designing for trustworthiness; 3) Designing for situational awareness. We derived these principles from studying how different dimensions of use interact with each other by looking at users’ feedback (online reviews) about two German mobile warning apps: NINA and Katwarn.
Recommended Citation
Bonaretti, Dario and Fischer-Pressler, Diana, "Timeliness, Trustworthiness, and Situational Awareness: Three Design Goals for Warning with Emergency Apps" (2021). ICIS 2021 Proceedings. 2.
Timeliness, Trustworthiness, and Situational Awareness: Three Design Goals for Warning with Emergency Apps
Emergency warning apps are critical to alert the population during emergencies, but are countries using them effectively? There is little theoretical understanding of what it means to use warning apps effectively. As a result, there is also little knowledge about how to design them. Drawing on the Theory of Effective Use (TEU) (Burton-Jones and Grange, 2013), this research proposes three principles to design emergency apps: 1) Designing for timeliness; 2) Designing for trustworthiness; 3) Designing for situational awareness. We derived these principles from studying how different dimensions of use interact with each other by looking at users’ feedback (online reviews) about two German mobile warning apps: NINA and Katwarn.
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