Conference Theme Track B: IS for Resilience
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Our study views cybersecurity as a complex socially enacted context that is influenced by dialogues within organizational boards, rather than a simple matter of technological infrastructure. We use the concept of technological frames to capture patterns in board dialogues that relate to cybersecurity and influence organizational capability of resilience. Our research question is: How do technological frames appear in non-executive board dialogues, and how do they influence the organization’s capability for cyber resilience? We study at least three technological frames pertaining to board members’ individual (I-), collective (B-), and regulatory (R-) frames related to cybersecurity. We present preliminary findings from tracking patterns of the three frames within board dialogues. Aim of our research is to suggest guardrails for reframing board dialogues with the intention of building organizational resilience.
Recommended Citation
Rehm, Sven-Volker; Georg Schaffner, Laura; and Goel, Lakshmi, "Framing Dialogues on Cyber-Resilience on Boards" (2021). ICIS 2021 Proceedings. 10.
Framing Dialogues on Cyber-Resilience on Boards
Our study views cybersecurity as a complex socially enacted context that is influenced by dialogues within organizational boards, rather than a simple matter of technological infrastructure. We use the concept of technological frames to capture patterns in board dialogues that relate to cybersecurity and influence organizational capability of resilience. Our research question is: How do technological frames appear in non-executive board dialogues, and how do they influence the organization’s capability for cyber resilience? We study at least three technological frames pertaining to board members’ individual (I-), collective (B-), and regulatory (R-) frames related to cybersecurity. We present preliminary findings from tracking patterns of the three frames within board dialogues. Aim of our research is to suggest guardrails for reframing board dialogues with the intention of building organizational resilience.
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