
The importance of publication in the merit and promotion processes of most universities ensures widespread faculty conceni over what it takes to "get published" in leading academic journals. At that point. the solidarity ends. Academic journals serve a number of roles, and not everyone agrees on which roles are most importanL 'rhe lask of guiding a journal usually rests with a small group of senior editors who are chosen by some higher authority (a publisher, a professional association, a community of interest) for this leadership role. A complex set of important policy decisions must be made in the process of determining what a journal will be and what it will do. These include everything from worrying about circulation and fiscal solvency to setting quality standards, defining lhe journal's areas of interest and establishing reviewing policies and protocols. In most cases, this small group of senior editors decides whose manuscripts will be published and whose will not. This tutorial brings together five individuals from the information systems community who currently serve as senior editors of major academic journals. Each of these editors will speak briefly to the editorial vision and mission of their respective journal (as listed above). The balance of the session will be devoted to questions and discussions regarding academic journals in the information systems field, with participation by the panel and the audience.
