
Management is communication intensive and, therefore, managers may derive benefits from computerbased alternatives to the traditional communication modes of face-to-face (FITD, telephone, and written memo. This research examined the use of electronic messaging (EM) by an ongoing management group performing a cooperative task. By means of an in-depth multi-method case study of the editorial group of a daily newspaper, it examined the fit between the interactivity of the chosen communication mode (FTF versus EM) and the mode of discourse for which it was used (alternation versus interaction/discussion). Two propositions were derived from this exploratory study. The first proposes that FTF, being highly interactive, is appropriate for building a shared interpretive context among group members, while CMC, being less interactive, is more appropriate for communicating within an established context. To the extent that the appropriate communication modes are chosen, communication will be more effective. The second proposes that groups exhibiting effective communication will use FrF primarily for interactive discourse and EM for discourse consisting primarily of alternating adjacency pairs.
