
Users may continue to use or abandon a technology even after adoption. India’s historic demonetization of cash, which had forced users to adopt mobile payments, was followed by the return of cash to circulation after two years. This offers a setting to investigate users’ continued usage of mobile payment technology, since a majority of users continued using payment apps. We develop a research model that utilizes technology affordances and constraints theory (TACT) to study technology as contextually-embedded objects with respect to their capabilities perceived by humans. We identify the affordances and constraints that act as influencers or barriers to continued usage of mobile payment technology. We further analyze the effect of merchant and payment app companies on continued usage. We propose a survey-based methodology to gather empirical evidence for the developed research model. This study has important implications for IS research and practice since affordance theory, a novel theory for the field of mobile payments, provides a valuable lens for understanding action potential of a technology as an interplay between user and environment.
