
In the wake of online television services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Youku, binge watching, defined as an act of consuming several television shows in quick succession, has become a popular behavior. Yet it has received very little attention from academics. The present study seeks to model binge watching and to scrutinize its business potential. We present binge watching as a two-dimensional system usage concept, including behavioral and cognitive elements. Based on these elements, we introduce four baseline scenarios as to explore the influence of binge watching on satisfaction. We test our explora-tive approach with a sample of 228 respondents using Partial Least Squares modeling. Results from confirmatory factor analysis support heterogeneous and pattern-specific use of online television streaming services. Interestingly, only behavioral element influences satisfaction, albeit moderately. Our study contributes to online consumer behavior research as well as the information systems litera-ture by investigating binge watching as a distinct form of technology use.
