One of the key success factors for the implementation of „Lean‟ concepts is the successful introduction of Information Systems (IS). However, a number of negative outcomes resulting from the implementation of Lean (and its corresponding IS) can lead to strong user resistance to Lean implementation. Using a case study approach supported by interviews with different user groups, this study investigates typical types of user resistance together with strategies for overcoming these resistances. Drawing from prior research on IS and Lean resistance the preliminary findings suggest that Lean IS implementation is not very different from other IS implementations, confirming prior research in this area. However, it also contributes new findings. First, the results showed that information transparency may play an important role in two ways, both as a trigger for user resistance and as a strategy to overcome user resistance. It therefore balances negative and positive effects of user resistance. Second, we found that the order of implementation may have a more significant impact on implementation success than suggested in prior literature.
Recommended Citation
Wen, Cheng; Remus, Ulrich; and Mills, Annette, "UNDERSTANDING AND ADDRESSING USER RESISTANCE TO IS IMPLEMENTATION IN A LEAN CONTEXT" (2011). ECIS 2011 Proceedings. 171.