
This research develops an understanding of the institutional process of IT-enabled social innovations in the context of municipal broadband innovations. IT-enabled social innovations consist of two interdependent elements: (1) social innovations, in our case, the enhancement of social and economic development such as developing a digitally inclusive community, enhancing public safety and emergency responses, and creating economic opportunities for businesses and individuals, and (2) IT innovations, in our case, the broadband innovations used to implement the initiatives and realize the goals in the social innovations. Drawing on the institutional and the social movement theories, our institutional process of IT-enabled social innovations encompasses four activities: framing, mobilization, network formation, and legitimation. The findings suggest that institutional actors engage in a number of collective actions (e.g., framing municipal broadband as a solution to broadband crisis, and using a web site and industry conferences to create a collective identity and mobilize resources). Empirical evidence also illustrates the extent of coevolution between the institutional process of IT innovations and social innovations.
