Although user acceptance of entertainment-oriented information systems (IS), which are called Hedonic IS (HIS), has drawn considerable attention in literature, our understanding of user acceptance of HIS is still limited. This article focuses on exploring the intrinsic motivations of HIS acceptance from a unique perspective. It proposes a hybrid HIS acceptance model that considers the unique characteristics of HIS and the multiple conceptual identities of an HIS user. The model integrates intrinsic motivation factors from Hedonic theory, Flow theory, and the PAD (Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance) emotion model with the Technology Acceptance Model. The proposed hybrid HIS acceptance model has been empirically tested by a quantitative field survey. The results indicate that emotional responses, imaginal responses, and flow experience are three main predictors of HIS acceptance.
Recommended Citation
Wang, Z., & Scheepers, H. (2012). Understanding the Intrinsic Motivations of User Acceptance of Hedonic Information Systems: Towards a Unified Research Model. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 30, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.03017
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