This paper details the development of a Masters in Health Informatics (MHI) program. It traces the design from conception through environmental scanning and curriculum development and into survey validation. One of the underlying characteristics identified in the analysis of other programs was that there seemed to be two subgroups or themes in health informatics programs: clinical and health administrative foci. A draft curriculum addressing the interest of both subgroups was developed, and a focus group of local health care industry professionals was conducted. The draft curriculum was the basis for surveys targeting the two potential subgroups. In addition to validating the interest in a masters program from both groups, the data was analyzed for potential differences between the two groups. These results confirmed the initial premise that a well-designed health informatics curriculum must address both the clinical and healthcare administration subgroups.
Recommended Citation
Martz, B., Zhang, X., & Ozanich, G. (2007). Information Systems and Healthcare XIX: Developing an Integrative Health Informatics Graduate Curriculum. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 19, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01930
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