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Artificial Intelligence Aversion (AI-aversion) is a technostress accompanying the disruptive rise in AI-powered system integration. Extant technostress and AI-aversion literature have shown harmful associations with identity threat and performance disruption. Developing a better understanding of AI-aversion and finding a way to mitigate its impact on AI adoption, this research expands on the psychological concept of Resilience. It introduces the techno-resilience concept to the IS literature, which refers to an individual’s ability to cope with distress brought on by technology. The proposed techno-resilience theoretical model T-M Interruption Salience Tolerance, T-M Interruption Frequency Tolerance, Computer Self-Efficacy, IT Identity, and Computer Experience that led to domain Technoloy-Mediated and User-Originated used to facilitate Tecno-Resilience.

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Aug 16th, 12:00 AM

An introduction to Concept of Techno- Resilience and its Prominent Predictors

Artificial Intelligence Aversion (AI-aversion) is a technostress accompanying the disruptive rise in AI-powered system integration. Extant technostress and AI-aversion literature have shown harmful associations with identity threat and performance disruption. Developing a better understanding of AI-aversion and finding a way to mitigate its impact on AI adoption, this research expands on the psychological concept of Resilience. It introduces the techno-resilience concept to the IS literature, which refers to an individual’s ability to cope with distress brought on by technology. The proposed techno-resilience theoretical model T-M Interruption Salience Tolerance, T-M Interruption Frequency Tolerance, Computer Self-Efficacy, IT Identity, and Computer Experience that led to domain Technoloy-Mediated and User-Originated used to facilitate Tecno-Resilience.

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