
Construct clarity is crucial for the proper development, accumulation, and dissemination of scientific knowledge in IS. By reviewing the past four decades of project management literature against six aspects of construct clarity for a specific construct (i.e., risk response), this study aims to evidence that construct unclarity is a legitimate concern in this area and subsequently to propose several avenues for increasing the clarity of project management constructs in general and the risk response construct in particular.


Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Towards Increased Construct Clarity in IS Project Management Research

Construct clarity is crucial for the proper development, accumulation, and dissemination of scientific knowledge in IS. By reviewing the past four decades of project management literature against six aspects of construct clarity for a specific construct (i.e., risk response), this study aims to evidence that construct unclarity is a legitimate concern in this area and subsequently to propose several avenues for increasing the clarity of project management constructs in general and the risk response construct in particular.