Presenting Author

Jinluan Ren

Paper Type

Research-in-Progress Paper


Service value networks (SVNs) are a new form of industrial cooperation. Within SVNs, service providers engage in loosely coupled relationships to jointly offer dynamically configured complex services to customers. Value is co-created through these joint complex services. By specialization, service providers leverage the knowledge and capital assets of their partners, and share the risk of operating in a changing and uncertain environment. However, as a new approach, SVNs lack theoretical foundations and empirical studies to validate its applicability. This paper seeks to address these problems by making three contributions. First, based on an existing theoretical SVN model, the paper presents a design for a mobile phone video service value network (MPVSVN) in China. Second, we describe a systematic approach to calculate the value and utility of services on the SVN. Third, we demonstrate our approach in detailed steps through real world service examples identified from the MPVSVN.



Measuring the Utility of Mobile Phone Video Service Based on A Service Value Network Model

Service value networks (SVNs) are a new form of industrial cooperation. Within SVNs, service providers engage in loosely coupled relationships to jointly offer dynamically configured complex services to customers. Value is co-created through these joint complex services. By specialization, service providers leverage the knowledge and capital assets of their partners, and share the risk of operating in a changing and uncertain environment. However, as a new approach, SVNs lack theoretical foundations and empirical studies to validate its applicability. This paper seeks to address these problems by making three contributions. First, based on an existing theoretical SVN model, the paper presents a design for a mobile phone video service value network (MPVSVN) in China. Second, we describe a systematic approach to calculate the value and utility of services on the SVN. Third, we demonstrate our approach in detailed steps through real world service examples identified from the MPVSVN.