Low-Cost Technologies for Rural Telecommunications

Author #1


Rural and remote areas are geographically separated by far distances from urban and suburban areas. In addition, they are sparsely populated because of the lack of transportation, electricity, telecommunications/ICTs and other basic infrastructure. Generally, those areas depend on the agricultural activities characterized by low economic level of people’s life. Empowerment and vitalization of rural communities which is inhabited by the almost half of the global population, is the top priority of the challenges of most of developing countries for the country’s economic development by fully deploying the telecommunications/ICTs of the digital era. How the rural communities will be digitally included in the global community? Telecommunications/ICTs on broadband wireless network will be expected to contribute to the economic development of rural and remote areas by the reduced cost of the infrastructure development if the low cost technologies are appropriately implemented. Low cost wireless technologies to meet the needs of the developing world will be the driving force of the infrastructure development and the provision of telecommunications/ICTs in rural and remote areas will become lucrative, and viable to generate new demand resulting in the attractive market for the service providers and other industries. There are various issues to be discussed such as human resources, sustainability, operation and maintnance, power supply, and funding.


Low-Cost Technologies for Rural Telecommunications

Rural and remote areas are geographically separated by far distances from urban and suburban areas. In addition, they are sparsely populated because of the lack of transportation, electricity, telecommunications/ICTs and other basic infrastructure. Generally, those areas depend on the agricultural activities characterized by low economic level of people’s life. Empowerment and vitalization of rural communities which is inhabited by the almost half of the global population, is the top priority of the challenges of most of developing countries for the country’s economic development by fully deploying the telecommunications/ICTs of the digital era. How the rural communities will be digitally included in the global community? Telecommunications/ICTs on broadband wireless network will be expected to contribute to the economic development of rural and remote areas by the reduced cost of the infrastructure development if the low cost technologies are appropriately implemented. Low cost wireless technologies to meet the needs of the developing world will be the driving force of the infrastructure development and the provision of telecommunications/ICTs in rural and remote areas will become lucrative, and viable to generate new demand resulting in the attractive market for the service providers and other industries. There are various issues to be discussed such as human resources, sustainability, operation and maintnance, power supply, and funding.