At eighty-two million people, Generation Y (18-31) is the largest generation since the Baby Boomers, spending $200 billion yearly. Little past research investigates the web preferences of Generation Y, although some oblique studies have been conducted. This study extends past research by looking specifically at the web design preferences of this important age group. Data is collected through subjective measures (self-report surveys) as well as objective measures (eye tracking). The eye tracker used in this study relies on reflections from the retina to gather data, therefore eliminating the need for headgear and thus allowing eye movement to be tracked unobtrusively. Analysis shows that Generation Y prefers web pages with a main large image, pictures of celebrities, a search feature, and little text. This study has important theoretical and practical implications for businesses and future research.
Recommended Citation
Djamasbi, Soussan; Tullis, Tom; Siegel, Marisa; Capozzo, Daniel; Groezinger, Robert; and Ng, Frankie, "Generation Y & Web Design: Usability Through Eye Tracking" (2008). AMCIS 2008 Proceedings. 77.