
Modern organizations generate a great amount of information that stays dispersed throughout the different operating units. This makes it difficult for management to identify useful relationships among the disparate pieces of information. In an attempt to address that issue organizations implement document management systems that only resolve half of the problem: the half that deals with structuring and organizing the information linked to projects and processes carried out in the organization so that it is available and can be consulted. However, that solution does not address the issue of capturing all the information associated with the experience, tacit and explicit, associated with the processes and the people who participated in those activities and the information thus produced. The goal is that in the future users in the organization could query the knowledge management system and find out the history of the projects and processes carried out, the relationship between the different parts of the process, the role and responsibilities of the different participants and in general the lessons learned. With that in mind this paper presents a framework which serves as a guide for successful implementation of an organizational knowledge management system based on a case study of a large regional public organization in the state of Bolívar, Colombia. Note: This paper could also be considered by the KM & IS track. I´ll leave it up to the programme committee.
