Affiliated Organization

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


Compelling reasons abound today for emphasizing the relevance of identity management. Enabled by digital information — including communication — technology, people conduct an increasing number of their interactions physically separated in space, yet connected in ‘real time.’ And ‘machines,’ especially so-called agents, are making their online contributions by proxy. But then, it’s not only the actors directly involved in interaction whose identities should be managed proportionally. Application of information as the very medium of interaction always entails — an attempt, at least, at — object references, qualified in relevant ways. Indeed, more identities to manage. At this early stage of — digital — identity management, we choose to refrain from any tight definition. It’s simply too early. Instead, in this working paper we juxtapose and comment upon several frameworks, all proposed for information management where the concept of identity plays a key part. From such a comparison, an already clearer overview emerges of the varieties of identity management.




