Affiliated Organization

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


The Internet paradigm implies the potential for infinite informational interconnectivity. In practice, itfast approaches a level of intensity, complexity etcetera where dedicated, say one-to-one, ad-hocsolutions hamper responsible usage and also further development.Generic technical solutions have of course been developed and made available as infrastructure. Beingan informational infrastructure, however, it should include provisions for conceptual variety.Metapattern, as a method for information modeling, supplies the perspective from which to recognizehow requisite variety for the conceptual aspect of information is still lacking from currentinformational infrastructure. Metapattern also allows to recognize work from earlier epochs, i.e. whenthe practical problems of managing informational interconnectivity were unheard of. It appears thatsome thinkers already developed rich conceptual frameworks, say, ontologies, catering to a varietythat is now generally impossible to deny. An example is Justus Buchler, an American philosopher.After a short introduction to Metapattern, Buchler’s metaphysics of natural complexes is outlined anddiscussed. His work should inspire taking information management to support interconnectivity suchas the Internet delivers, and should continue to deliver unambiguously.




