
Systèmes d'Information et Management


Based on the model of Delone and McLean (2003) (Information System Success Model- ISSM), this paper proposes a model for assessing the success of banking front-office infor- mation systems focusing on the point views of users. The aim is to contextualize the ISSM model taking into account the specificities of the banking sector – an informational inten- sive sector – in regard of both the operationalization of variables, and the relationships bet- ween them. The methodological approach is double: we started our research by performing exploratory qualitative studies (through interviews) that were used to propose a contextua- lized conceptual model. This model was then tested through a quantitative study with structural equations methods (two collections of data with an online questionnaire). We followed the paradigm of Churchill (1979) to operationalize our six variables. On a theo- retical level, the results confirm the multidimensional aspect of the evaluation and that the perception of the success of an Information System (IS) relies on a set of inter-connected variables. In addition, we have highlighted, due to the specificities of the banking sector that the quality of information differs from other quality variables and appears as the key variable in the model. For what concerns the satisfaction, this one looks to be determined by a single variable, such a result being specific to the banking domain where using the IS is mandatory. On a practical and managerial side, the model happens to be an evaluation tool useful to DSI or managers, either globally or for a unique variable evaluation, due to the operationalization of every variable.
