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Recommending Systems, NoSQL


The performance of a graduate program is assessed by CAPES partly by their level of publication. Therefore, it is necessary that the program chair has instruments to analyze the quality of publication produced by the associated researchers. In the context of co-authoring relationships in publications, network analysis has been proved to be an appropriate tool to evaluate the relationships already formed, and to stimulate the formation of new relationships. This paper presents a network analysis tool applied to real data of a graduate program from a Brazilian Federal University. The data was modeled in a NoSQL graph oriented database including all associated researchers’ publication. We emphasize the usefulness of the partners’ recommendation module to the program chair, as well as associated researchers. The development of this research work used the Design Science Research methodology to guide both the construction of the artfact and the associated documentation. Preliminary, using data from a graduate program, we can note the recommendation potential to integrate new partners to the scientific network already formed.


This paper is in Portuguese (Análise de Rede de Colaboração Científica como Ferramenta na Gestão de Programas de Pós-graduação)
