
Rapid changes in mobile computing and modern devices, for example, smartphones, tablets and iPads encouraged the employees to use their personal devices at the workplace. Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) phenomenon has become pervasive and on-demand for business purposes. Nowadays, employees are allowed to bring personal devices to their workplace. Nevertheless, organizations are practicing BYOD to increase efficiency, work productivity, and cost-saving which lead to employee’s satisfaction. However, BYOD may cause harm in an organization if there are no security policies, regulations and management of the employee’s devices. The common security threats engaged to BYOD implementation are data leakage, exposed to malicious malware and sensitive corporates information. Hence, this study proposed a strategic solution, which is Security-Based BYOD Risk Assessment Metamodel (Security-Based BYODRAM) in reducing BYOD-related issues. The existing BYOD models were reviewed to identify the important concepts in the metamodel development. The Meta Object Facility (MOF) language was used to develop the proposed metamodel.
