
The concept of public value is becoming increasingly popular as the modern driver for the development of electronic government worldwide. As a result, adequately evaluating the public value of e-government becomes critical, exemplified by the development of several frameworks in this regard. These frameworks, however, suffer from various shortcomings for effectively evaluating the public value of e-government. This paper presents a revised framework for evaluating the public value of e-government based on a comprehensive review of the relevant literature. Structural equation modelling is used for empirically testing and validating the proposed framework based on the survey data collected in Sri Lanka. The study shows that quality of information, e-services, user-orientation of information and services, efficiency and openness of public organizations, equity, self-development of citizens, trust, and contributions of public organizations to the environmental sustainability are the important public values in e-government.


Public value, e-Government, Evaluation, Structural equation modelling, Sri Lanka


ISBN: [978-1-86435-644-1]; Full paper
