
Past research has shown that computer self-efficacy and perceived ease of use are important factors affecting user acceptance of information technology. Although one of the key aeories that the perceived ease of use construct is based on is self-efficacy theory, there has been no research specifically examining how perceived ease of use and self-efficacy interrelate or differ. To address this issue, we studied the formation and differentiation of users’ ease of use perceptions toward two different information technologies, e-mail and gopher, with training over time. We hypothesize that users anchor their initial perceptions about the ease of use of any system on their own geneml computer self-efficacy and, after hands-on training, adjust these beliefs to form ease of use perceptions that are more system-specific. Supporting this claim, we found that users’ perceptions about the ease of use of different systems before hands-on training did not differ significantly, even after they were given information about the procedural aspects of the system. In contrast, there were significant differences betweea ease of use perceptions across different system after hands-on training. This yields a better understanding of the theoretical fouiidatioiis of the case of use consrruct and how this signifimt determinant.of user acceptance evolves with training. Based 011 these findings, we postulate a theoretical model that explains how computer self- efficacy, objective system usability, and direct hands-on experience combine to determine perceived ease of use.
