
This paper describes three studies aimed toward the understanding of human information processing within a simulated stock market environment. Initially, a series of studies in Human Information Processing (HIP) in accounting are summarized, key stating the various approaches, key concepts, and variables. In addition a symbolic model with which to analyze HIP processes in an experimental setting is proposed. Secondly, the stock market simulation is described, with emphasis on its inain methodological advantages and shortcomings. The third section presents details of three implementations of the simulation, summarizing the main similarities and differences. The fourth part analyzes, in a comparative framework, the experimental results obtained for the three experiments performed. The last part of the paper discusses the implications and potential generalizability of these results and outlines paths for future research. The tentative results favor the utilization of a cross-experimental methodology as conclusions are similar for the three stock market simulations. Effects are found concernng subject motivation toward financial rewards and subject attitude changes during the experiment, while little, if any, effects of cognitive style on the decision process are observed. A series of regression modeling attempts are described with mixed results.
