
Almost every implementation of a modeling grammar uses secondary notation to further specify a modeling grammar. Yet, secondary notation is usually applied in an unsystematic way, might contradict what is specified in primary notation and implements research results that should rather be implemented in primary notation. With this work we aim at showing how secondary notation can be used to implement recent research results that are not yet available in primary notation without contracting what is already specified in primary notation. We demonstrate a systematic update of recent research of extended Perceptual Discriminability for BPMN secondary notation and that way, show how research results can quickly be made available for practice without contradicting primary notation. We choose Perceptual Discriminability as it can be used to focus the model user’s attention on the most important constructs and can that way, improve model comprehension. For an update of BPMN secondary notation we first specify free BPMN variables and further show how these variables can be used to focus the model user’s attention on those constructs that most foster comprehension.
