
Opening Government Data is a political priority in many countries. A large part of open data is numerical and concerns statistics thus can be easily processed and visualized. At the technical level, statistical data can be represented using linked open technologies. The resulting Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) enables developing data-driven services that require automatic data processing. However, in many cases public agencies confront organizational, structural and cultural challenges when adopting novel technologies. The aim of this paper is to investigate the challenges faced by a ministry that is traditionally organized when exploiting LOSD. The preliminary results suggest that major challenges include the absence of a favorable culture and skills mainly related to data governance and software development. Therefore, essential ingredients seem to be missing to create a fertile ground for the use and exploitation of LOSD technology.


Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Exploiting Linked Statistical Data in Public Administration: The Case of the Greek Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction

Opening Government Data is a political priority in many countries. A large part of open data is numerical and concerns statistics thus can be easily processed and visualized. At the technical level, statistical data can be represented using linked open technologies. The resulting Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) enables developing data-driven services that require automatic data processing. However, in many cases public agencies confront organizational, structural and cultural challenges when adopting novel technologies. The aim of this paper is to investigate the challenges faced by a ministry that is traditionally organized when exploiting LOSD. The preliminary results suggest that major challenges include the absence of a favorable culture and skills mainly related to data governance and software development. Therefore, essential ingredients seem to be missing to create a fertile ground for the use and exploitation of LOSD technology.