Presenting Author

Sury Ravindran

Paper Type

Research-in-Progress Paper


Using an experimental design to explore the individual and interactive effects of organizational commitment, likelihood of success of a knowledge management initiative, and importance ascribed to the KM initiative by a firm on a knowledge worker’s intention to share her knowledge, we find that importance by itself positively impacts knowledge sharing intent. The effect of importance appears to be enhanced (super-additively) by success likelihood. Organizational commitment is substitutable by the two factors of importance and success likelihood. Implications of these reported 2 and 3-way interactions are that seemingly logical influences may in actuality be conditional on other variables, i.e., their influences are configural. A KM effort that disregards any element of the triad does so at its own risk.



Organizational Commitment, Knowledge Management Initiative Importance And Success Likelihood As Antecedents Of Knowledge Sharing Intention: An Exploratory Study

Using an experimental design to explore the individual and interactive effects of organizational commitment, likelihood of success of a knowledge management initiative, and importance ascribed to the KM initiative by a firm on a knowledge worker’s intention to share her knowledge, we find that importance by itself positively impacts knowledge sharing intent. The effect of importance appears to be enhanced (super-additively) by success likelihood. Organizational commitment is substitutable by the two factors of importance and success likelihood. Implications of these reported 2 and 3-way interactions are that seemingly logical influences may in actuality be conditional on other variables, i.e., their influences are configural. A KM effort that disregards any element of the triad does so at its own risk.